From the readings, what are the concerns surrounding electronic voting

From the readings, the main concern surrounding electronic voting is that it can be insecure. Since it is electronic, people are worried that it will be hacked. This is obviously a problem because skewed results could put somebody into office who was not actually favored by the majority of American people.

If you are willing to trust the outcome of the upcoming election, despite the use of electronic voting, how do you resolve or rationalize the security concerns above? Are these concerns overblown, or are there mechanisms that can be used to increase confidence in electronic voting?

I think the concerns are a bit overblown, but it is definitely a concern that you can hack the vote with $15.

“The American election system is decentralized by design, with state, county and local governments all managing voting. Even though many precincts use voting machines, none are connected to the Internet, nor are they connected to each other.”
No, the presidential election can’t be hacked (CNN)
The quote above from CNN is exactly the reason I believe the concerns are overblown. Just because a few local governments can be hacked, it would be extremely unlikely that a hack could sway the entire vote. Unless, of course, a large group of individuals around the country all were able to hack their local elections.
In swing states, this becomes more of an issue. If the majority vote is determined by a couple thousand voters, a hack could make a significant difference in the outcome. This in turn would affect the number of electoral college votes, and could alter the results of the election.
In either case, discuss whether or not building an electronic voting system is really different from programming a typical CRUD application, mobile application, or photo sharing social media service. Are the security and integrity concerns that different? If so, how does that change the approach that needs to be taken in developing such systems.
I don’t think building an electronic voting system is much different than a typical CRUD application. For example, an app that keeps track of medical data needs to be just as secure as an application that manages votes. A lot of medical data is offline, just as the local electronic voting booths. It is inevitable that there will be flaws in electronic systems that can be exploited. The only way to avoid this is to have an electronic voting system where all of the votes are hand-counted, but even that still leaves room for human corruptness and human error.